This Fat Quarter Cloth Napkin Tutorial is for the fabric hoarders out there. Stop looking around. I'm talking to you. Yeah, you. If you are anything like me, you've got stacks of fat quarters that you've collected. Maybe you were going to make quilt. Maybe you were going to make some Fat Quarter Skirts for your daughter. Whatever the excuse, I know you've got tons.
When I have fabrics I love, I can't decide what to make with them. I don't want to cut them and if I do use them I want minimal waste. This is the prefect tutorial for your precious fat quarters. Minimal waste, selfish sewing, and you get to see them every day! Plus, these Fat Quarter Cloth Napkins are simple to make. Just the think to make when you want to sew, but don't have the mental capacity for anything complicated.
Now go get your fat quarter stacks and let's make some Selfish Sewing Fat Quarter Cloth Napkins!
Press two fat quarters and put them together, right sides facing. Align them so that the rectangle is long horizontally. Trim any edges that don't align. (Some times I wonder if the people who cut fat quarters were having seizures at the same time.)
With a ball point pen, draw a line on the wrong side of a fat quarter, bisecting it into two (roughly) 18" x 11" rectangles.

Using a 1/4" seam allowance, stitch your fat quarters together, following the stitching map below. Use one continuous line of stitching. Leave about 3" in the stitching gap for turning your fat quarter cloth napkins right side out.
Cut your fat quarters in half by cutting down the center line you drew with your ball point pen. Trim all your corners.
Turn both napkins right side out through the gap in your stitches. Use a chopstick/knitting needle/pencil to gently nudge your corners out. Gently. Because I always forget and put a damn chopstick right through my fabric.
Press all your stitched edges on both napkins. Turn your edges in at the gaps in the stitching. Pull gently on each end of the gap and the edges should fold in properly for you. Press the gap and pin it closed.
Starting at the gap, top stitch around each fat quarter cloth napkin about 1/8" away from the edge. Fold them up and you're done! Easy as pie! Mmmm...pie...speaking of pie, I think I'll go make a pie. We got apples in our farm basket this week and apple pie is my husband's favorite. Check my Instagram tonight. I'll show you my pie and my very favorite Fat Quarter Cloth Napkin so far.
Now I've got a nice stack of Fay Quarter Cloth Napkins (yes, I made these all in an afternoon, with kid interruptions.) My kids go through paper towels like they grow on trees. (Wait, don't they kind of grow on trees?) In any case, my family is being more frugal and ecological and I get to see my favorite fat quarters every day!
My Favorites: Please keep uploading your pictures. I love seeing what everyone is making. And where are my quilters!?!? Show me the blocks you're making! Show me the binding you kicked ass on.
Here are three of my favorites from the Selfish Sewing FlickR pool.

1. Chambray Hawthorn by Ashley of Sew Ashley 2. Rouched scarf by Jane of Buzzmills 3. Shorter Days Top by Suz of Sewpony
Ashley's chambray Hawthron dress is just too adorable for words. I love it because not only is it super cute on her, but by using chambray she has created an incredibly versatile dress. Date? Interview? Going out? Church? Ashley's got it all covered.
Jane's scarf makes my heart sing. I love orange and I love Indian block print fabric. Her husband surprised her with this fabric and more upon his return from a recent business trip. Jane made herself this "fancy" scarf yesterday from a smocking tutorial she had been dying to try. Looks fabulous, Jane.
Suz's top is a Burda pattern, that I have never seen before, but I am so going to look up. It's only two pieces! I love the simplicity of it and Suz's Op shop find fabric is a great choice! You make it look easy and stylish, Suz!
Did you catch the Bess Top that Jenet of Feather Next Studios made for today? You can get an idea of how it fits different shapes and sized so well here. Brianne from Ali Cat & Co. has sewn up an awesome pair of the Movie in the Park shorts by Dixie DIY Stupdios for today. Check them out and make sure you have entered the giveaway?
I'm off to finally (maybe) get an hour of Selfish Sewing in today. I think I may have to break my "I won't drink unless it is a weekend" diet and have a hard cider while I sew too. Cheers!