Caramel Pie with Moxie Crust
6 Tbsp. butter
1/2 cup flour
2 cups brown sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
2 cups milk
1 box Trader Joe's pie crust (in the freezer section)
Now before you even start to say what I know you're going to say: that homemade crust is better. Frozen crust is just meh. That frozen butter and vodka pie crust is the only way to go. I say phooey! I tried Trader Joe's pie crust last year on the advice of Jane from Buzzmills. My family loves pie. I love to make pies, I just hate to make the crust. I never have butter frozen into pats ahead of time and to be honest using the Cusinart scares me. It's a surprise I have all my fingers given my sewing mishaps. That Cuisinart promises to mangle my hand on day. No joke. It's the pie crust making that prevented my family from eating more pies.
So I tried Trader Joe's frozen pie crust. And we loved it. Given a handmade pie crust versus Moxie Pie Crust taste test, I don't think you would be able to tell the difference. Since making the switch, we've had so many heavenly pies with Moxie Crust. Try it. Don't tell anyone. They'll never know. (Note: this is not a sponsored post. I'm letting you in on my pie baking secrets. Shhhh!)
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.
Butter a 9" pie pan and put your pie dough in it. Blind bake your crust for 10 minutes or until a lovely golden color. Don't forget to use a piece of parchment paper or a coffee filter and dry beans, rice or lentils to weight your pie crust while baking. (I may have forgotten once and had to pick black beans out of the bottom of my crust. Hey, no one knew.)
Cream butter, flour, sugar, and vanilla.
Beat eggs and milk. Add to butter/sugar mixture.
In a 2 quart sauce pan, cook over medium heat until thick like pudding. Use a spatula and/or a whisk. Do not stop stirring and don't let it get chunky. Seriously, do not walk away. You will burn it. Not that I have ever done that.)
Cool caramel pie filling a bit, then pour in baked pie crust. Pour any extra into a small ceramic bowl. Eat it before anyone realizes there is extra filling. Refrigerate Caramel Pie. Read a magazine. Have a cup of coffee
Put your apron on and toss a bit of flour on yourself. Sigh as your serve your Caramel Pie with Moxie Crust, and smile like you're exhausted from making for hours. Make sure you get an extra big piece for yourself. Enjoy as everyone tells you what a damn fine pie you've made. Wink at your snippy mother-in-law.
Warning! Once you bake a Caramel Pie with Moxie Crust, everyone will always want you to bring one again. Consider baking two for Thanksgiving. No one will want Aunt Martha's pumpkin pie again.