I've only got four more weeks of my summer left. I start school up again July 8. Only this is the real deal. Fulltime. Yikes! There goes my daylight sewing hours. Needless to say, I've been trying to take as much advantage of what I have left. Imagine my surprise when I found that despite running the Pattern Parcel #3 sale mostly myself (Danny does all the IT work) I have had time to sew not one, but two of the patterns in the Parcel! This is a first, folks. Not only have I finished and photographed two of them, but I've got a Bombshell on my cutting table. Wait, no! I've sewn three. I totally forgot my own pattern. D'oh.

This is the Jorna Tank Dress. Pretty short dress, huh? The pattern comes with a tank option with a flared, almost peplum hem option. I honestly would have made the dress, but I did not have enough fabric. So I modified the pattern to be a hip length straight tank to use as fabric possible. Elastic cord stitched into a six inch casing I made by stitching down the seam allowances added a little ruching detail.
I'm in love with how my Jorna Tank feels on. And I normally and not very happy with knit garments I sew, so this is a major win. The facings in this pattern add great stability. This pattern goes together quickly and easily. Don't you just love patterns that go together without a struggle or cursing AND fit so well? Thank you, Jenna Brand!
I'm super excited about wearing my Jorna Tank too because I get to show off my gun show! Danny and I are in a little family competition to see who can lose 15% of their weight first. While I'm not out to change who I am, we can all stand to be more healthy. We've been working out every day. Yes. Every. Single. Day. We bike and elliptical and I've been lifting and rowing on the BowFlex. Hence, my new biceps and triceps. I'm already down nine pounds!
At this rate, I'm going to need more Jorna Tanks!