Think about the last time you made something for yourself. Yeah, it's been a while, eh? Well, this September, I want you to throw down your scissors (gently) and say, Not this week! This week I'm sewing for me!
With deepest pride and greatest pleasure, I am so exited to announce the first annual Selfish Sewing Week, hosted by imagine gnats and Made with Moxie!
After the kids are back in school, what could be better than some selfish sewing? This September, we'll be doing exactly that... and we invite you to please, take a week and sew along with us!
For just one week, September 23-29, we challenge you to spend at least one houre each day sewing for yourself. Dig up that Swoon quilt you've been meaning to make. Cut up that Heather Ross you've been hording for years. And would you please finally make yourself a Washi dress already?
Of course, take lots of pictures and share what you make! Use the hashtag #selfishsewing on Instagram and Twitter, and add your FlickR photos to the Selfish Sewing Week FlickR group..
Rachael and I will be sharing what we're working on and also featuring some of our favorites from the Selfish Sewing Week FlickR group throughout the week.
Grab your favorite #selfishsewing button, then tell all your stitchy your friends! Pour yourself your favorite beverage and we'll see you back here in September to celebrate US!
See you there! (high five, karate chop, and a high kick) I'm a little excited. Can you tell?