Hey, nice yoga pants. They totally don't even look like jammiee either.
Thanks for all the well wishes on my Anatomy practical. I did really well and got the second highest grade in the class! I'm super psyched.
Even thought I am so ready for spring, sunshine and working in my garden, I am totally bummed that our Snowquester storm predictions were horribly wrong. We were supposed to get anywhere from five to ten inches of snow. We got two. Then it rained. So it is gone. I haven't had a good snowstorm in years. The last time we got loads of snow was three years ago when we had a record breaking 80+ inches. But I gave birth to Jane during the first of those storms so I did not get to go play in it.
My kids have discovered a new awesome game called Take All the Clothes Out of Your Dresser and Throw Them Down the Stairs. When I locked everyone's bedroom doors during the day, they emptied the linen closet. Five times in one day. Now that it tied closed with a pair of shoe laces. I just can't fold up all of our sheets, towels and quilts one more time. (shakes fist) Damn kids.
I made this Rutabaga Mushroom Soup this week. Mainly because we got a rutabaga and cremini mushrooms in our CSA box. I browned some sausage in the beginning and used that instead of the chicken. I also used sour cream instead of cream. I never have creme in the house and make all sorts of dairy substitutes. The soup was freaking awesome. Seriously. My husband doesn't even like mushrooms and he is excited to eat it again for supper tonight.
My little dude needs a hair cut. Actually my big dude does too.
I've been making tons of bags this week. I finish one person's order and I have another Facebook friend ask for one too. It's a good problem to have.
I'm quite excited to be testing an adorable tunic pattern for Rachael. And I finally decided what I am going to make for my Covert Robin. It is going to be amazing. Epic. Badass. (Now that I've said that, I hope you all think so. Well, I hope she does too!)
How have you been? How did your week go? Have you come up with a fabulous idea for your Covert Robin yet?