This was not a productive week.

Most days could have been categorized as 'bad' days had I not fought my hardest to keep them in the 'good' column. Small children like their momma to play with them. Some times I have to remind myself that my
first most important job is being The Momma.

Flashlights will buy enough time to get some pattern pieces cut. Toys on the sewing room floor will get everyone into the room with you. Some times I swear they know I
need to sew and do their damnedest to stop me. So instead I organize fabric. I get to run my hands over those heavenly crisp cottons and they get a momma on the floor singing silly songs to them. (Oh, and you know I put Peabo and Celine to shame with my rendition of what my daughter requests as "Song is Time".)

I suppose it does get me closer to a completely organized studio. There were still many many instances this week of this:

She is two and not having an easy time getting a hold of all her emotions. I don't blame her. I'd like to be a robot myself. Poor Jimmy can only seem to move in reverse which leaves him under coffee tables, dining benches, ottomans, beds, pack and plays....anything with four inches of height. I long for the day he can crawl forward. Please. Pretty please.
Straight lines = easy sewing = can do it in the 90 seconds allotted until someone backs himself into a jam under a rocking chair, therefore I was able to finish the top for my I Spy charm swap quilt.

For those who don't know: A 'charm' is a five inch square cut of fabric. A 'swap' is where everyone in a group cuts one pattern of fabric into a specified number of charms and mails them to a leader who them shuffles the fabrics and mails back a mixed stack of charms. This swap I participated in was specifically for fabric that would make a good I Spy quilt. You know "I spy with my little eye..." Oddly enough as a kid, my brothers and I called it " I See Something." Clearly we favored alliteration over rhyming. I digress.
During the less than three minutes we all were outside to take the quilt top pictures this happened. And no, did not put him down near the seedlings. (Hey! Does that mean he crawled forward?)

One less Serrano pepper for the garden plot.
All I have to say is Thank God It's Friday. When all else fails, make jello. Let your kids eat it with their hands. My kids
are were jello virgins.

Now, if you will excuse me, I can hear a toddler who has unscrewed the spiraled boingy thing that keeps the knob from hitting the wall and is using it to knock on her bedroom door signalling that she is done with her nap. "Momma? You dere?" T-minus 100 minutes until Daddy leaves work and the weekend begins. Somebody get me a beer please!