Wall art by Mr. Pickwicks
The events that happened this pat weekend that ultimately led to Rachael and Pattern Parcel parting ways left me reeling. I had lost my blogging best friend, and all of a sudden overnight my blog and business were nothing by stress, chaos and confusion. I was left to ponder:
“Why am I doing this? Why did I start my blog and Pattern Parcel? Why should I keep going?”
It all just brought me back to the core of it all. I love to share what I make and teach people how to make it too. I love the online making community. I am passionate about independent, small designer businesses. I think it is incredibly important to give back and be charitable.
This is what is important to me and my family. This is what Danny and I believe in. We believe in being good people. We believe in helping others. We want to teach our children to hold these beliefs close to their hearts.
We also thinking running a business is fun and it’s even more fun to do together. Building something from nothing, creating a product that customers want, making the first sale...it’s exciting. Pattern Parcel is a learning tool. We read books and attend webinars. We test new ideas and analyze the results. It’s like our third baby, except I didn’t have a c-section to give birth to it and it’s not giving me stretch marks. ;)

Wall art by Kaelah of The Clueless Girl
A few days rumination have brought Danny and I to this decision:
Going forward, all profits from Perfect Pattern Parcel will be also donated to charity.
We’re going back to the basics of it all. Supporting indie designers, being charitable, and developing community. Don’t worry. Nothing about Perfect Pattern Parcel is changing for you. We’re going to continue to build awesome collections of patterns from kickass designers. We’ll be continuing to feature talented bloggers who showcase the versatility of the patterns. And as always, we're going to continue to let you choose your price for the patterns and Pattern Parcel is still going to cover all the costs associated with running the sales. Then we're going to donate the rest. We may even be throwing in a sew-a-long contest or two. ;)
Thank you for reading to the end with me here. I am sincerely thankful for your support. It’s why I fell in love with blogging and this community.
Want to help and be part of Perfect Pattern Parcel ? Please shoot us an email at info@patternparcel.com. We'd love to have you.

Haven't gotten your copy of Parcel #2 yet? It's a lovely collection of spring essentials for a little girl's wardrobe.
Help children's education.
Support independent designers.